Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Baguio is a city in the Mountain Province of the Philippines. Actually I'm not sure as to the accuracy of that statement. Suffice it to say that Baguio is a city on a mountain which belongs to a group of mountains that primarily constitute one of the provinces of the Philippines. It's called the vacation capital of the Philippines - at least before. I never understood the fondness of Manilenyos for Baguio - I think it's a horrid city. Why write a poem about it? The poem is more a poem about a person than the city really - at least the driving force is a person.

Thursday, 7th December 2006


the sun is intense
but the air is cool
like fire and ice
playing on the skin
a familiar sensation...

here in this city
here in your home
here in your memories

i look for you

in the brown blur
of people passing
the gray facade

in the row of faces
looking out of jeeps
beeping by

will i see you here

in the city's heart
beating with life
busy with life

i look for you

above the city
where manors stand proud
cloud covered sky-dwellers

dignified doldrums
and stale frozen fogs
hide the heart

will i see you here

in the city's mind
while the cryogenic calm
conceals emotions crying out

i look for you

as Helios' hands
reach out to me
outside the city

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